Lindsey Zovko Photography » Charlottesville Documentary Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Project 52 (32/52)

Like thousands of moms this week, I needed to read this post:

We’re in the process of selling our home, a whole leap of faith that’s been a quick decision but one that we know is right. However, let’s just say that initital excitement of “we’re moving!!” can wear off quickly when a realtor forces you to look at your home through a stranger’s eyes. All those things like dirty walls, chipped baseboards, and ugly tile floors you ignore…they become blinders once they’re pointed out. And all week I’ve been feeling like “and why did WE buy this home?”

Take our little stoop for example. I’ve tried to make it pretty with a bench and flowers, but at the end of the day it’s always going to be an ugly concrete slab. Usually cluttered with toys, leftover snacks, and sidewalk chalk. It’s in need of a makeover for sure, but I didn’t really notice how bad it was. Reason being, this ugly slab of concrete is the girls’ favorite spot. It’s the backdrop of a hundred pictures I’ve taken: everday fun, everyday bickering, Halloweens, walking new babies through the front door, first and last mornings of preschool. It’s where we read, eat, sing (badly), and chat with our neighbors. In all it’s hideousness, I’m guessing it’ll be the one spot we miss most when we move.

So here’s one more to add to the ugly porch album: early morning hair salon, sister style.


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