Lindsey Zovko Photography » Charlottesville Documentary Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Project 51 (1/51)

I’ll admit: I’m the worst at making New Year’s resolutions, much less sticking to them. Obviously, since I’m about 6 days late in even mentioning the word. But, alas, this year I’ve made one, and I’m announcing it to the cyber world so that I’ll feel really bad if I don’t stick to it.

Anyway, last year was my first year officially being in business, and it was great! I loved meeting new people, documenting friends and their families, and venturing into the world of weddings. But what happened is this: I ended up with about 8,000 images of my own family left untouched on my harddrive and about had a panic attack when I sat down to go through all of them last month. My girls are my muses, my daily practice models, and my heart itself: so, not only was I overwhelmed by the amount, but I couldn’t bring myself to delete a lot of them. I’m that kind of person who’ll tell you 15 flavors of icecream that are my “favorites” since I can’t ever seem to make a choice, so when it comes to picking favorite images of my own girls, I stink.

Ready to make a change and avoid overload next December, my plan is to commit to sharing images of my girls once a week. Lots of photographers do a Project 52, and I was so inspired by what I saw last year. I loved seeing how sharing just a couple of images each week made for such a beautiful timeline of photos by the end of the year. Some shared 1 or 2 images a week, I’m limiting myself to 5: hey, it’s a lot better than my 100, right? Nonetheless, I’m committing to the challenge….but, since I’m behind, I’ll call mine Project 51;)

Are you up for the challenge, too? Photographer or not, I’d love to have you join me on the journey!


  • 7 January, 2014 - 10:18 pm

    Laurel - This is a great idea! 🙂 I love the curtain photo. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • 7 January, 2014 - 10:48 pm

    Marianne - Aww! Yay! I love seeing pics of your girls! 🙂 (and I love how there is sometimes a nosey, little westie in there too) Great idea!ReplyCancel

  • 8 January, 2014 - 10:05 am

    ColleenC - What a great idea! Doing something with my family photos is going to be added to my bucket list for when I retire in June! Miss you and love these, Lindsey!ReplyCancel

    • 8 January, 2014 - 7:14 pm

      Lindsey Zovko - Thanks, Colleen! And congrats on your upcoming retirement: plan to come see me and the girls in your free time:)ReplyCancel

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